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Preparing for Our Sessions:

This is your time, so make sure you have a comfortable, private place to meet with me. It is OK to talk to me from your car, but not while you are driving. Also, please don't walk around with your device during the session as I get dizzy.


Reduce distractions by silencing your phone (if you are on your iPad or laptop), TV, etc. If you will be using your wifi or hotspot to join, take a moment to ensure you have shut down other applications or windows that will also be using your wifi. Make sure your smartphone, tablet, or laptop is fully charged before our appointment. Test your internet connection, camera, and microphone to make sure all three are working properly.

What About Food & Drink?:

Bringing a drink such as water, tea/coffee, soda to our session is fine. Just a friendly reminder that drinking alcohol is not appropriate during our telehealth sessions. In addition, vaping, smoking and using other substances is not permitted during our time together. 

Asking for Breaks:

Need to step away to quiet a pet or child, use the bathroom, etc? Not a problem, just set down your device, mute your feed and sound for the duration and rejoin our session once you are able to focus again. 

What to Wear:

Comfortable, casual clothing is fine, but it is expected you will be fully dressed during our session.