Workplace Stress

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Do you experience the Sunday Night Blues? Do you dread going to work each morning? Did you “follow your passion” but now find yourself feeling unfulfilled and frustrated? Are you wondering if changing careers is the right move for you?

Work stress can be incredibly detrimental to our physical and mental health. This chronic dissatisfaction can lead to stress, anxiety, and even depression. This unhappiness can also interfere with your personal life, negatively impacting the relationships you have with friends and family.

If you “followed your passion” but ended up in a career that no longer suits you, career counseling can help you explore which direction might be a better fit for you. Whether embarking on a new career or working through current workplace stress, both can feel overwhelming. Most people find having a partner to help navigate their journey leads them to more satisfaction in the workplace and with their career goals. My years spent in Human Resources provides me with first-hand experience understanding the complexities of workplace stress as well as provides greater insight when providing career counseling.